US Patents database

After number of months of hard work, we have added the database of US patents, inventors, representatives, assignees, attorneys and examiners to We allow visitors to rate patents and inventors/organizations using six criteria.

The database contains patents registered in US after 1970. In total there are over 4 million patents and over 3 million people/organizations. The data is publicly available at Google patents beta.

Processing this dataset has been a challenging task. The raw data comes in a variety of formats that have to be parsed. The amount of data when unpacked is over 2 Terabytes. Once processed, some interesting quick numbers* can be immediately noticed:

  • Number of Inventors: 2,661,498
  • Number of Representatives: 37,538
  • Number of Assignees: 34,139
  • Number of Corporate Assignees: 395,044
  • Number of Attorneys: 38,466
  • Number of Law Firms: 25,792
  • Number of Examiners: 61,961

* these numbers contain error originating in misspelling of names, slight difference in the same name (person with middle name and person with only first name were counted twice), and different people/organizations using the same name.

If you are interested in obtaining raw data (over 2 Terabytes) please let us know.